Victor-Victor (França) << back


Victor-Victor is the part of Victor Ede who works with Musée Igor Balut.
He started in 1998 documenting Musée Igor Balut, squats, performances and exhibitions, using photo & video.
Unfortunately, he’s a very bad archivist, and Musée Igor Balut is a perfect place to loose things, so the real effective filmography is impossible to be done.
Little by little, Victor-Victor started to try to make little fictions with Musée Igor Balut:
“Le voyageur, le poussin et l’assassin”, “Le Pape, le prolétaire et Don Quichotte” and some others... The
principal was to shoot shortly and to be efficient: no editing machine in XXth century misery...

In 2004, Victor-Victor discovers editing and become a editing freak, with some animations as “Une érection épistolaire et chamanique” with Suisse Marocain.

In 2009, Gaspard Delanoë, the main director of Musée Igor Balut, decides to run candidate to govern Paris and to create a political group called PFT. Victor-Victor takes care of the video propaganda with about 40
short films for the web during four different campaigns...

In 2010, Gaspard & Victor are producing a film “Le secret de l’urinoir de Marcel Duchamp enfin révélé au monde”, the first minimalist video of Musée Igor Balut. But maybe minimalism won’t resist to editing...

Victor-Victor is retired & lives & swims in Marseille, France / / << back